JobFile invoicing is an easy way to ensure your builder has been invoiced for all of your work

Getting Started

What else can I do?

Searching / Filtering / Reporting

View all of my invoices

Filter and search for my invoice

Change my invoice template / settings

Extract reports

Track the status until payment is received


Work out which invoices are overdue

Find out which tasks aren't invoiced

Generate an invoice report

Is there anything else you would like to be able to do with JobFile Invoicing?

If so, please contact our team to discuss:

Known Issues:

  • Possible formatting issues with invoices that go over multiple pages
  • If you have created an invoice on a task and the Job Owner (builder / client) reassigns the task to a different resource (supplier, trade), the invoice will not be copied to your now cancelled task. The Job owner will still see the invoice though and the new resource will not.
  • After you upload your own document as an invoice you cannot delete it. You can instead delete the invoice and start again if you have to remove it.
  • Minor issues with resolve functionality in invoice lines - it's best to manually calculate and review each line if in doubt